Gregor Ziolkowski


Professor of Arts.
Born in 1950 in Wroclaw / Poland. 1964-1969 attended High School for Fine Art in Wroclaw. 1969-1972 studied at the Academy of Arts in Wroclaw.


painter, designer, composer, poet


figurative, surrealistic, impressionistic


oil paintings, pastel, aquarelle, drawings


100 - 6000


2006 - distinction by Iowa Biennial of Contemporary Miniature Prints in Kirkwood / USA.

2006 - distinction with merit-diploma by 4.International Art Competition "SEETAL 2006" in Meisterschwanden /Switzerland.

2006 - awarded the title Professor of Arts and Member "Associated Academician"of ACCADEMIA INTERNAZIONALE "GRECI-MARINO", Accademia del Verbano di Lettere, Arti, Scienze. Vinzaglio / Italy.

2005 - distinction with Diploma and "Victoria" Medal of Galleria D´arte Moderna "Alba" in Ferrara / Italy.


2007 - "INTERNATIONAL DIRECTORY OF ARTS" 32nd edition 2008 (published by K.G.Saur Verlag, Munich-Leipzig / Germany).
2007 - "KUNSTADRESSBUCH DEUTSCHLAND, OESTERREICH, SCHWEIZ" 18th edition 2007 / 2008 (published by K.G.Saur Verlag, Munich-Leipzig / Germany).

2006 - "KUERSCHNERS HANDBUCH DER BILDENDEN KUENSTLER", Germany, Austria, Switzerland (published by K.G.Saur Verlag / Munich).

2006 - "WHO`S WHO IN VISUAL ART" Catalog, Germany, Austria, Switzerland (published by Art Domain Whois Verlag / Leipzig).

2005 - "INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPAEDIC DICTIONARY OF MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY ART 2005/2006" published by Casa Editrice Alba in Ferrara / Italy.