Stefano Mitrione


Hannah Arendt, a German philosopher, said that when people come together and talk, they create a "space of appearance" of tremendous active power in the public realm. This force is born from the human ability to agree with others on the need to act in concert. Hence, these spaces of appearance are spaces of communication, where citizens' interests, needs and strategies are
shared. This intention can be evaluated as a way to posit a direct connection between the designers selected from history and the reestablished aesthetics. In this scenario, the introduction of the common acknowledgement serves to ground the narrative in the artist's intention in such a way that it makes the intimate bond between its presence and its referencing serve as an unassailable foundation for the projects being presented. And despite the use of different methods and approaches, this new generation all share qualities tha are often subordinated to this underlying narrative.  

Stefano Mitrione, one of Italian-American's more controversial InterMedia Artist, brings a diversity of specific individual determinations, which appear to take place in a particular temporal and spatial relationship, to his work. Stefano Mitrione, and its patent subjectivism, is anchored in the significant role that the media plays in constructing and manipulating reality. As a result, he uses images of artistic events that appear in daily digestive methodologies such as the Web, recapturing those images in a totally different frame. In an age when we can effortlessly search informations at any given moment, who needs an old-fashioned memory? Cameras and lenses abound everywere - from surveillance equipment in banks to surreptitiously hidden devices in elevators. It seems that we no longer need to bother our brains to catalogue any of the events in our lives - the analog human memory is quickly becoming supplanted by technologically mediated data played back on the Web. The decady of grand narratives and ideologies, the loss of a meaningful social perspective, the impossibility of conceiving that the totality of the world is accompanied by an enormous concentration of fragmentary identities, and the internationalization and expansion of meaning enshrined in an unfathomable multitude of "small historicizations" of non-narrative constructs: Stefano Mitrione goes through these notions and brings out visual aspects of the activities from his surrounding. Stefano Mitrione's observations and artworks undoubtedly offer a window into an explosive combination of philosophical and political thoughts, and into the multilayered ways in which these inform his project praxis.

An international, cosmopolitan and eclectic language

Stefano Mitrione  was born in the aim of speaking an international, cosmopolitan and eclectic language. The intention of becoming more and more projected towards a consolidated international dimension - giving evidence of our history and the spirit that has led our activities to the present day. The desire that our message will become a reference point at International level for young creative people. Stefano Mitrione is projected towards the external scenario in order to understand ongoing changes in terms of both tastes and technological innovations. Moreover, continuous experimentation on new languages and expressive modalites allow Stefano Mitrione to communicate through his projects, finely-tuned with society and costume transformations. Thanks to this flexible and transversal approach, Stefano Mitrione acquire a cultural background on design and communication that distinguishes it.

An continuous experimentation on new languages

Evening projects in the Stefano Mitrione area, belong to a wide sector that includes the application of creative skills in the design project. Moreover Stefano Mitrione learn that projects can be realised either following traditional techniques, like free-hand drawing, ot through the implementation of the nost innovative software. The Stefano Mitrione area , was born from the awareness of the enormous importance communication has assumed in contemporary society. Knowing how to communicate a product, knowing how to give it an image that will strike the attention of consumers is the element that completes a project. Stefano Mitrione answers the market need by offering a series of ideas that tackle communication globally. The art designer: Art designers are professionals that must be capable of blending technique and creativity, developing their know how not only in the use of basic tools to design every objects, but also on the implementation of technologies and innovative materials. Art designers must develop great intuition on the latest trends in taste and a capacity for negotiating and mediating with all corporate functions, (from Marketing Directors to Product Managers), and with all the  external professionals that interact with the enterprise. They are professionals that, together with a sound aesthetic and artistic cultural background, are capable of developing positive attitudes towards team work, under the sign of "flexibility". Art designers are professionals sensitive to the changes in taste and costume, interpreters of a system of signs and languages that permeates everyday life.

A Network of ideas, creativity and concrete projects

Stefano Mitrione avails of an extensive "creative laboratory", where enterprises are involved as the leading protagonists of the concrete projects they carry out thanks to the most innovative technologies and tools. In our Stefano Aaron Mitrione method, enterprises represent indispensable reference points that support and give visibility to every projects carried out in Stefano Mitrione. A melting pot, not only of ideas  and creativity, but also of concreteness and professionalism. Stefano Mitrione since 2003, offers advice to enterprises in the fields of applied research and integrated projects and, on behalf of Stefano Mitrione, ideates and implements special projects. Humility, creativity and familiarity with the technological tools and means for the development of projects are all fundamental characteristics for a successful approach to this world. With this goal in mind, collaboration with enterprises is a key element of all Stefano Mitrione methodology. Partnership contributions differ on the basis of the projects but companies can interact with Stefano Mitrione as parteners also. Whatever role they take on, they always transmit a patrimony of information and experiences that is indispensable for the professional growth and qualification of Stefano Aaron Mitrione future. Stefano Mitrione also transforms  into a theatre of encounters, exchanges and contacts that become an integrated part of the story of both.