IT: Informale e astrazioni che osservo in natura: macchie e fluidi o fumi e nebbie, nuvole e muffe su muri e alberi...: che mi ispirano e permettono di elaborare un genere pittorico che altrimenti non avrebbe regole e limiti. Eseguita in modo arbitrario l'arte contemporanea astratta e informale può dar luogo a facilonerie e generi "di moda" anzichè rivoluzionari o di espressione libera come l'arte meriterebbe, problema segnalò anche DeChirico rispetto l'arte contemporanea -
<br>ENG: Both informal and pure abstractions do exist in nature and I have repeatedly stumble on them: marks and fluids, fogs and fumes, clouds and moulds that climb on trees, and so forth.
<br>To me they represent a constant source of inspiration: they allow me to develop a kind of art that otherwise could not have any rule or limit.
<br>I believe indeed that when an artwork is carried out arbitrarily - as it often happens in contemporary art - the overall outcome is sheer slapdash attitude or - to put it bluntly - to become "addicted" to the last fad or trend.
<br>Instead of revolutionary or expressive, meaningful, significant, and inspiring works...what we are witnessing nowadays is something very far from that.
<br>Art deserves more, much more.
<br>This was one of the crucial points made often by de Chirico when referring to contemporary art for.