Varie tecniche utilizzate dalla classica pittura a olio alle più moderne pitture materiche con paste e materiali vari.
Artista presente nella collezione SGARBI 2018.
Nina Rapicavoli was born in Carini (PA), Sicily, shortly after her birth, she moved with her parents in Turin, Piedmont, where she began her studies and immediately adopted a remarkable attitude to drawing, painting and art.
An artistic family, a work by Rapicavoli "Summer Fruits" has been chosen by the British Post Office after an authoritative opinion from her majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, for the postage stamp of a pound sterling.
The passion for art and painting and its creative energy are expressed in all her creations, where no color matching is intentioned, everything tones by the emotions of the artist in the moment it’s drawn.
Meanwhile, the passion for painting becomes a necessity; the necessity to transmit through her works, the serenity of the soul, and the inner tranquility to bring the observer to the reflection.