Monica Conticini


My Name Is Monica Conticini and I am president of the association The Wild Side. 

My love for nature and for Africa in particular, comes from afar, when I was young and my uncles decided to move to Nigeria for work.

Since then, I grew up with their stories, with the image of a land with magnificent colors, bursting with life everywhere.

Over time, however, I found myself on different paths, and put aside the dream of working in Africa.

I studied art and fashion, although in the meantime I was interested in everything related to environment and animals as self-taught.

As we know, if something is meant to happen, it comes somehow.

So, surfing on internet, I came across an academy that trains Safari naturalistic guides, and without thinking twice, I signed up, passed the exam and flew to South Africa, at Limpopo Field Academy to complete my studies.

My life had finally begun, but I needed experience, I wanted to live in the bush and put into practice what I had studied, so I went in Botswana, where I left my heart and my soul.

Today I am a certified guide, I am studying natural sciences and I am about to start training as a veterinary technician to give substance to what I love and to be able to help concretely.

"Every long journey, always starts from the first step.”



Mi piace sperimentare. 
Dalla grafite all’acquerello all’acrilico, sto ancora cercando ciò che più mi rappresenta!
lo troverò, intanto, navigo…