Ms. Swan
Acrilici, Cartoncino, 2024
A torrent of bold hues and textured strokes greets you, almost daring you to trace the rugged surface of this work. Thick layers of deep violet and bright green clash against bursts of fiery red, creating a visual experience that defies the ordinary. Flecks of white and black scatter across the chaotic scene, challenging traditional expectations of color arrangement. The unconventional use of a corrugated surface adds a raw, tactile element, enhancing the immersive quality of the artwork. This audacious composition suggests influences of abstract expressionism, sparking thoughts on the boundaries of artistic expression, leaving an enduring impression on the viewer's perception of modern art.
It's the outcome of my live performance Blindfold Automatism. We paired in promptu with a dj and show really did go on.
Check the video of my performance :
Informazioni generali
Categoria: Pittura
Eseguita il: 2024
Informazioni tecniche
- Misure: 31 cm x 51 cm
- Tecnica: Acrilici
- Stile: Astratto
- Supporto: Cartoncino
Informazioni sulla vendita
- Collezione: Roma
- Prezzo: € 70,00
- Disponibile: si
- Codice GA: GA222358
- Archiviata il: 11/01/2025
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