Luigi Torre


Nato a Celenza Valfortore nei monti Dauni il 21/06/1949.Vive e lavora in via Paolo VI 1/A
cell. 333 2787746


Autodidatta, l'arte è dentro ,non puo' venire dagli altri.


Paesaggi urbani,temi esistenziali


personalissime,sempre alla ricerca di nuove materie e forme


Luigi Nicola Torre was born in Celenza Valfortore in sub appenines Dauno, where its sensitivity moods and beauty of nature as a backdrop to his paintings.

The painter of deep affection for his country, the admiration and awe for nature, the falling in love for its colors, the love for his landscapes, the rotation of the seasons, offering the painter source of inspiration for his works, which go beyond the local dimension, Sublime, to become the universality of the Mediterranean landscape, made of sun, light, color, warmth, spirit of love, the pace of atmospheres dreamy and silent.The eyes of the painter focuses before details of the nature surrounding his Celenza, meadows, fields gold plated of ears, or burned by stubble, part of land marked by broom Bloom, the shore of the lake with his reflexes, its vegetations, its stories.Reality and fantasy merge in an explosion of colors, from veiled nuances that blow atmosphere of a world of dream, where fleeting reality reassembles in a harmonic but painful, forms that changes in a symphony color, creating arcane spells for a hymn to the constant wonders of creation and its Creator. This is the habitat of uninhabited of his painting, enriched by a continuous search for new materials and shapes ever underling of the art and fashions.
The icons for many years, "he writes," with respect for tradition and matter, testify to his faith and the tax owed by those who must give account of his talents.