Personal Exhibition
03 May - 03 june 2024
© LucianoCaggianello
V-Art UnionGallery
Rue Franklin4 - 1000 Brussels Belgium
Art is also metric geology, in the sense that it always interposes itspresence and its variable within a spatial perimeter so that geometric spacetherefore becomes the place of a cognitive process that forms and manages thisperimeter and within it can realize the construction of a performing space.
Within this path we discover that this spatial game, although notdirectly concerned with survival, however articulates its process. Therefore wenote that expressive freedom is obviously also a space of beauty, analternative space that can even be identified with the mother of every project,namely geometry.
This exhibition aims to pay homage to this performative parameter byhighlighting its expressive, visual, conceptual and relational potentialthrough beauty, play, space and creative freedom.
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