Fabio Pacifico
Born in 1965 in Mondragone (CE) but he lives in Benevento, where he works as a surgeon and creates his paintings using mixed techniques.
He has been hanging paintbrushes and canvases since the age of five, participating in extemporary exhibitions and art shows during his youth. After a forced pause due to his studies and career, he resumed his passion to refine a strongly personal style.
While not dismissing figurative art, practicing with pencils and oil on paper, he leans towards large canvases, where he challenges himself with paintbrushes and textural collage.
He enriches the numerous ranks of self-taught Italian artists with his unique works that evoke oneiric atmospheres, often infused with an intriguing conceptual depth.
Tempera, acrylic, oil, vinyl glue and newspaper clippings to arrange geometric shapes and chromatic variations.
Liceo Scientifico e laurea in Medicina. Specializzazione in Chirurgia
Figurativo onirico. Astrattismo. Surrealista
Acrilico. Olio e collage