Imbarcazioni IV
Mista, Tela, 2020
€ 2.900,00
This work is a bas-relief made with chalk on canvas, then pigmented with cocoa, acrylic pigments and after a very thin layer of resin, the painting is finished with oil paints.
Informazioni generali
Categoria: Pittura
Eseguita il: 2020
#This work is a bas-relief made with chalk on canva
Informazioni tecniche
- Misure: 60 cm x 80 cm x 4 cm
- Tecnica: Mista
- Stile: Pittura Neorupestre
- Supporto: Tela
Informazioni sulla vendita
- Prezzo: € 2.900,00
- Disponibile: si
- Codice GA: GA179969
- Archiviata il: 15/04/2021
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