Scritto il 11/03/2022
Review by Hiroki Nishio Eclettico Leather Craftmanship
“Grazie a Francesco Tolve e suo Team di Thirty Seconds merito a PhotoShooting di Milano. Complimenti a loro lavoro di Photo che Video, molto professionale e creativo, Grandissima disponibilita e attentenzione verso il cliente. I was very impressed to work with Francesco Tolve and team Thirty Seconds. I am very pleased with the completed work from PhotoShooting to Video shooting in Milan, Italy. In the future, I would like to be able to do more specific work together. Thank you very much.“
Hiroki Nishio Eclettico Leather Craftmanship [ECLETTiCO is a new brand that combines the minimalist Japanese approach with the know how and craftsmanship of Italy. The concept of ECLETTiCO brand ]
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