You aren't here

poesia/testo musicale, 2006

You aren' t here

You aren't here,
by my side.
You go away
like a thief in the night,
like a leaf in the wind.
And then I feel like

RIT:A picture in front of
the eyes of the people,
a broken wall of that house
one time was our.
A blue sea where are
secrets of all people.

You aren't here,
in front of me,
like a time
when you said
"I never miss you"
And then I feel like

RIT:A picture in front of
the eyes of the people,
a broken wall of that house
one time was our.
A blue sea where are
secrets of all people.

You aren't here,
like a thief in the night,
like a leaf in the wind.
And then I feel like

RIT:A picture in front of
the eyes of the people,
a broken wall of that house
one time was our.
A blue sea where are
secrets of all people.

Informazioni generali

  • Categoria: Poesia
  • Eseguita il: 11 maggio 2006

Informazioni tecniche

  • Stile: soft
  • Supporto: poesia/testo musicale

Informazioni sulla vendita

  • Collezione: Italia/Estero
  • Disponibile: si


  • Codice GA: GA43501
  • Archiviata il: 05/11/2010

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