The Empty Bench
Acrilico su tela, Tela, 2025
This painting inspires a sense of quiet contemplation and solitude. The way the trees fade into the background, combined with the soft, diffused light, creates an almost dreamlike atmosphere. There is also a contrast between stillness and movement. The forest is silent, yet the intricate lines of the branches seem to pulse with life in a space that feels vast and timeless. The empty bench in the foreground adds a sense of mystery: who sat there before? What thoughts or memories linger in this space?
Informazioni generali
Categoria: Pittura
Eseguita il: 2025
Informazioni tecniche
- Misure: 115 cm x 75 cm
- Tecnica: Acrilico su tela
- Stile: Realismo
- Supporto: Tela
Informazioni sulla vendita
- Disponibile: no
- Codice GA: GA224202
- Archiviata il: 28/02/2025
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