Call entry

Oilo su tela, Tela, 2021

Painting illusion is my "Daimon" in this existence. A completely epoptic vision, inherent is faithful to my generation. A new vision that goes beyond the known dictated by the mind, but mainly made up of those regions of the soul full of beauty and love. With this term of Greek origin I want to know a new form of art called "EpopticArt"; epoptéia (????????), epoptikós (?????????). Presumption aside, I am strongly convinced by my experience not only as an artist but as a living being that the illusion we all belong to can become a means of experiencing a completely different vision from the mechanisms and beliefs imposed by a prevailing, mortifying society. and overwhelming by the ego of man. It is thanks to experience that awareness gives life to an initiatory illusion. With this formulation I quote the thought of William Blake which follows: "When the doors of perception open all things will appear as they really are: infinite." To this end my creation becomes an infinite part of the whole, where beauty reaches boundless "Satori". Seeing beyond is transformed into the material form in the traditional way of painting, very faithful to the figurative, a language of clear visual reading in this civilization. equipped with skilful symbolic hiding places to search for and interpret a bit like a puzzle, of my interpretative illusory initiatory disturbances of my reality. Each one has its own, this is mine. Good use brothers, and may your life be an uninduced masterpiece from the outside.

Informazioni generali

  • Categoria: Pittura

  • Eseguita il: 2021

Informazioni tecniche

  • Misure: 130 cm x 160 cm x 1 cm
  • Tecnica: Oilo su tela
  • Stile: Figurativo
  • Supporto: Tela

Informazioni sulla vendita

  • Collezione: Italia
  • Disponibile: no


  • Codice GA: GA180928
  • Archiviata il: 02/05/2021

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