The winners of the Best in the world is international writer Melinda Miceli

Few humanitarian awards can boast the same rich legacy as The Best in The world award from Global Communication, an association that has been promoting and organizing the Sicilian Woman and Man Award, Italian Woman and Man Award, Sicily Opera in the World Award, and Being Sicilian Award for 12 years. Born from these roots and established in 2024, The best in the world award recognizes extraordinary and proven humanitarian action in favor of the needy, great personalities or proven intellectuals. If we trace the sense of solidarity of such an award what best explains it is the following acronym: “the best in the world who has worked for others.” On the Occasion of August 1, an award ceremony was held for Dr. Melinda Miceli in Catania, at the ancient and monumental University of Studies. Global Communication confers, year after year, High Regional, National and International Recognitions to people who have particularly distinguished themselves in the field of Culture in general and Social Volunteering, that is, personalities who contribute with their work to defend and promote these values. The Award given to Dr. Melinda Miceli adds to a long series of just international awards for multiple actions in the world of Art and Culture knowing how to make use also of innovative tools, digital art, exhibitions and virtual and metaverse catalogs, in ecological respect. The search for Beauty is a mission for Melinda Miceli, which she carries out on a voluntary and free basis, to aesthetically enhance spaces used for social charitable activities of Associations, Institutions and private individuals by putting her high professionalism as an interior designer into play even with poor materials to create comfortable environments for the disadvantaged.
The precious recognition underlines the characteristic of patronage of the Awardee and her unique curriculum in Europe.Melinda Miceli, with a great professional history as an art critic and institutional essayist for organizations such as the UN, the EEC, UNESCO, the Region of Sicily, various Italian Gal and Proloco, the Encyclopedia of Italian art, a history of educational essays for schools, middle schools, high schools and universities and of world-famous tourist guides for connoisseurs who have revalued the image of Syracuse and Sicily, obtaining 28 awards including the Ippogrifo d’oro, the Premio Donna Italiana, the Sigfrido d’oro and Norman Academy Career Award, the Donna Siciliana Award 2015, 2016, 2017 as a writer, essayist and art critic, the Arte Pentafoglio Award, the Federico 2 Award, the Sicilian Culture Award etc.
To dedicate her professionalism to the municipalities, she has planned the publication of renowned bilingual works presenting the territory that summarize every aspect of it. In 2019/20 he received the appointment of Honorary Artistic Director of Corriere Nazionale and Stampa Parlamento and founded the prestigious International Art Prize Giotto and the International Prize La Fenice d’oro, aimed at rewarding excellence in every field and knowledge with a unique historian. In April 2022 he published The Count of Saint-Germain, life and mysteries of a great Initiate. In the same year he received the Capitoline Gold Award, the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Norman Academy and his investiture as Commander for Sicily of the Order of Saint Michael the Archangel. Mention should be made of his appointment as Honorary Commissioner for Syracuse of the Buon Samaritano Institute, as President of Anim and as Ambassador of SVIMAR. Latest honors ANIM Certificate European Literary Excellence, Institutional Certificate Region, APT Basilicata, Italian Republic, SVIMAR, Province of Potenza for her research on Hercules and Lucanian territories, 2023 Sant’Angelo Le Fratte Literary Award with the aforementioned patronages, for the drafting of the project “Sulle Orme di Hercules” reviewed 4 times also in Repubblica. Araldica e Nobiltà Award for her contribution to the dissemination of heraldry, 2023 Italian Woman Award as Italian Literary Excellence for the dissemination of Italian history and art in the world. In November 2023 she won the institutional journalism award New Sky Award of the Kazakhstan Academy of Journalism, first out of 4600 participants from all over the world.
In 2022 she was chosen and appointed among the Founding Mothers of the Republic of Poets, becoming its Consul and Academician. In the same year she became Ambassador of the Pro Loco Puglia and in 2024 Grand Prior of the Dynastic Order of Saint Stanislaus as well as receiving the Fiamma della Pace Award of the Habsburgs of Lorraine with a letter of Commendation, then the Segni di Pace Award announced by Wikipace for her artistic work in favor of the fine arts aimed at ethics and solidarity.
The logo of The best in the world is the work of the famous digital artist Ambassador of the International art Prize Giotto, Miguel Angel Acosta Lara.
lunedì 5 agosto 2024
Piazza degli studi - Catania - Catania - Italy
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