Homage to Carla B.
Olio sopra tela, 2009
€ 6.000,00
The French singer, Carla Bruni, was First Lady of France during the government of her husband, Nicolas Sarkozy. The dog Fortuné has an anecdote attached to it: Napoleon and Joséphine marry in 1796 and retire to the wedding bed. Joséphine’s dog Fortuné, a pug who has had sleeping privileges, resents the intrusion and bites his rival on the calf...
Informazioni generali
Categoria: Pittura
Eseguita il: 2009
Informazioni tecniche
- Misure: 160 cm x 210 cm
- Tecnica: Olio sopra tela
- Stile: Realista
Informazioni sulla vendita
- Collezione: Germany, Seebad Bansin, Atelier-Galerie José García y Más
- Prezzo: € 6.000,00
- Disponibile: si
Informazioni Gigarte.com
- Codice GA: GA106560
- Archiviata il: 24/02/2016
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