Underworld status of mind
acrylic, carta, 2017
The underworld world more than underwater is a symbol to have light on unconscious paths of the mind.
Here the dreams take action and express themselves as symbols.
fishes as thought.. bubbles sparkling as desires , jellyfish as danger and threats..
And always a door to exit from the Visionary world and have a contact with real world..
Informazioni generali
Categoria: Pittura
Codice: 20170521FFvt11:04
Eseguita il: 21 maggio 2017
Informazioni tecniche
- Misure: 27 cm x 29 cm
- Tecnica: acrylic
- Stile: abstract, non realistic
- Supporto: carta
Informazioni sulla vendita
- Collezione: Sikania Milano via g govone 19
- Prezzo: € 500,00
- Disponibile: si
Informazioni Gigarte.com
- Codice GA: GA119099
- Archiviata il: 22/05/2017
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