International Group Exhibition Movimento ARS 20/09/2019-20/10/2019
International Group Exhibition
Movimento ARS
Vernissage 20/09/2019 -17h
"What my work is aiming at is, above all, realism: I pursue the inner, hidden reality, the very essence of objects in their own intrinsic fundamental nature; this is my only deep preoccupation."
On 20 September 2019 a new exhibition of ARS Cultural Movement, “On the Path of Constantin Brâncu?i”, will open in collaboration with the “Muzeul Jude?ean Gorj Alexandru ?tefulescu” Museum, in Târgu Jiu, România.
The Group Show will bring together contemporary artists from around the world, a vibrant art-making community that is working in different media in inventive and factual ways. The exhibition is a celebration of the rich diversity that lies at the core of ARs’ philosophy, and includes works by long-term artists as well as new entries beginning to leave their sign in the Movement. The show will bring together installations, sculptures and 2D works (both painting and digital art), thus creating a rich collection of familiar languages and visual challenges filled with captivating concepts.
As the title implies, the exhibition pays tribute to the artistic spirit of world-celebrated artist Constantin Brâncu?i, offering interesting resonances and correspondences, while searching for the places and the signs of the sculptor. It fosters dialogue between cultures, history and artistic different expressions and mediums. The exhibition represents also an inner voyage into art: beyond their personal and conceptual bonds, each of these artists has developed a highly individual artistic language. The group show merges the plural identities and personal urges of the chosen artists, proposing beauty, reflections on life and the world, and thought-provoking impressions.
Constantin Brâncu?i is regarded as one of the most important sculptors of the 20th century. His works are visionary and embody essential and archetypical concepts. Brâncu?i, who at the age of 28 left his Country to walk to Paris, always followed his peculiar independent vision on art, breaking conventions and leaving a vivid mark on the history of Modern art. He firmly believed that "the artist should know how to dig out the being that is within matter," thus creating pieces that conveyed the true essence of the subject matter. The forms are simple, reduced to the fundamental, free from any ornaments to reveal hidden truths. He considered himself not an abstract artist; on the contrary he insisted that his works disclosed the most fundamental nature of reality, "as though they proceeded out from the mass into some perfect and complete existence."
Endless Column
Probably the most known works by Brâncu?i are the several variations of Endless Column, that he often called axis mundi, underlining the connection between heaven and earth. In this series of variations of sculptures, it is evident Brâncu?i's strong attraction to the sacred, the cosmic, and to the idea of infinity, implied by the reiteration of identical shapes. The most famous of his Endless Columns is the one in Tirgu-Jiu, the centerpiece of the three parts memorial dedicated to fallen soldiers in World War I.
About Muzeul Jude?ean Gorj Alexandru ?tefulescu Museum
The Art Museum is a unique space dedicated to paintings belonging to the Flemish and Italian schools, icons, wooden sculpture from the 17th to the 18th centuries, modern Romanian paintings (Mi?u Pop, Corneliu Baba, Vasile Grigore), watercolors (Ion Murariu), admirable studies in coal, pencil and sepia by Vasile Blendea, Iosif Keber and Stefan Popescu, as well as sculptures (Rodica Popescu). The Târgu-Jiu Art Museum operates in the new headquarters located in the Central Park in the heart of Târgu Jiu, not far from the well-known works of Constantin Brâncu?i.
ARS Cultural Movement
ARS is a dynamic and independent Cultural Association. It is a lab of ideas, devoted to contemporary art in different mediums, with its own programming, exhibitions and events; it is a celebration of diversity. ARS Cultural Movement was first conceived by artist and curator Elena Ducu. From its very beginning it has brought together the works of International artists at venues and institutions in Europe and in the USA, including: Bruges (2011- 2012), in the prestigious Garemijn Hall, in the center of the city; Utrecht (2012), at Grachten Gallerie, Napoli, Castel dell’Ovo (2012); ROA Gallery, London (2013), Galerie Thuillier, Parigi (2013). Ward- Nasse Gallery of SOHO, New York (2014). Zurich, Galerie 16b (2015); Florence, Galleria Via dei Fossi (2015), Rome, Galleria Spazio 40 (2016- 2017), Aalst Belgium (2016); Milan, at SpaziArti (2016- 2017); Munich, Galerie Das Fenster (2017 – and later in 2019).
“On the Path of Constantin Brâncu?i” will run from 20 September to 20 October 2019.
venerdì 20 settembre 2019
Muzeul Judetean Gorj - Târgu Jiu - Gorj Oltenia - Romain
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