Freedom coming out for drag queen
art digital, LGBT community, 2024
For information on this sexual gender: Drag queen is an English term to define artists (called Drag singers) who perform in songs, imitations, cabarets and dances, wearing makeup and clothes aimed at the extremes of femininity. Those who act in properly masculine clothes are instead called drag kings. Obviously the title does not include discrimination towards the orientation of the LGBT community but a message that declares the freedom to come out to anyone. This theme reflects only this genre and nothing else
Informazioni generali
Categoria: Arte digitale
Eseguita il: 04 settembre 2024
Informazioni tecniche
- Tecnica: art digital
- Stile: LGBT community
- Supporto: LGBT community
Informazioni sulla vendita
- Disponibile: no
- Codice GA: GA222483
- Archiviata il: 15/01/2025
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