Happy Grandparents Day 2024

art digital, 2024

Warning: This digital artwork contains violent content and is not suitable for sensitive viewers and is intended for adults. This drawing was challenging both for its details and the rest (landscape, idea, and inspiration). Indeed, it was inspired by Napoleon's Old Guard, also known as the Imperial Guard, for Grandparents' Day. I based it on the Old Guard because it is a regiment of veterans, and I am very fond of that period. Therefore, I wanted to include the dog (a Doberman), which, as stated in the poem I will add, will be represented as a grandchild whose loss is deeply cared about. The dog also has a tag engraved with the word "loyalty" in French ("loyauté") to symbolize its canine loyalty.About the Old Guard: Napoleon's Old Guard, also known as the Imperial Guard, was an elite military formation of the French Imperial Army under Napoleon's direct command. It was renowned for its experience, loyalty, and distinguished service.here is the poem in the original language:Jour et nuit, tu veilles comme un dobermann, Prêt à me secourir même au crépuscule. Tu réconfortes mon âme, tandis que ta vigilance, Jeune et forte, veille sur la mienne, Endormie pour l'éternité. Un vieil homme repose sur l'herbe, Inondée du sang des guerres passées, Racontant des expériences vécues, Des victoires perdues et glorieuses. En lui se concentre la sagesse, La bonté, l’art d'un grand-père, Offerte à son petit-fils, Vigilant à ses côtés. Maintenant, repose, cher grand-père, Fais ce que tu dois faire, Tandis que je prouverai ma valeur, Combattant pour ce en quoi je crois. Bonne fête des grands-pères, Enveloppé dans le drapeau, Qui jadis te couvrit comme un nourrisson, Maintenant celui d'un vieil homme, Reconnaissant et familier, Trouvant la paix sous ma garde, Sous mon regard fidèle, Discret et fluide, Avec le chapelet en main, Tu entonnes ta prière.

Informazioni generali

  • Categoria: Arte digitale

  • Eseguita il: 02 novembre 2024

Informazioni tecniche

  • Misure: 2000 cm x 2000 cm x 2000 cm
  • Tecnica: art digital

Informazioni sulla vendita

  • Disponibile: no

Informazioni Gigarte.com

  • Codice GA: GA222461
  • Archiviata il: 15/01/2025

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