Rebellious Lamb Hoodie


Yesterday, on ???? Halloween, after wrapping up the remaining chapters of the manga series "Beastars," I reluctantly stepped into a store—Bershka. I wasn't particularly keen on going there because their clothing style is not really my thing; they offer trendy, casual outfits that cater to a younger crowd, with a mix of streetwear and contemporary fashion. Although I initially intended to explore a potential collaboration with them, I haven't received a response to my email.However, while wandering around, I stumbled upon this incredible hoodie that resonates with me perfectly, and I just had to buy it! Now, you all understand which furry artist you're dealing with, right?

Informazioni generali

  • Categoria: Arte digitale

  • Eseguita il: 01 novembre 2024

Informazioni sulla vendita

  • Disponibile: no


  • Codice GA: GA222452
  • Archiviata il: 15/01/2025

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