The snow leopard loved Nutella

art digital, 2025

I don't love chocolate at all, let alone Nutella; however, I do like the white version, and it's a tribute to both white chocolate and white Nutella.

Nutella is a brand of sweetened hazelnut cocoa spread that was first introduced by the Italian company Ferrero in 1964. It is composed primarily of sugar, palm oil, hazelnuts (approximately 13%), cocoa solids, milk powder, and emulsifiers, such as lecithin. The spread is known for its creamy texture and rich flavor, making it a popular choice for breakfast, desserts, and as a topping for various foods.

In recent years, variations of Nutella have emerged, including "white Nutella," which is a spread made primarily from sugar, palm oil, and milk powder, with no cocoa. This version aims to capture the creamy sweetness of the original Nutella while offering a different taste profile that appeals to those who prefer white chocolate flavors.

Informazioni generali

  • Categoria: Arte digitale

  • Codice: nothing

  • Eseguita il: 09 gennaio 2025

Informazioni tecniche

  • Misure: 2000 cm x 2000 cm x 2000 cm
  • Tecnica: art digital
  • Stile: fanart

Informazioni sulla vendita

  • Disponibile: no


  • Codice GA: GA222311
  • Archiviata il: 09/01/2025

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