Opossums and Raccoons: Fast Food Spendthrifts
This kind of digital drawing can highlight the foundations of a stereotype within the furry fandom, but that's not the case here. I find it genius and original that an opossum and a raccoon make a perfect furry couple, regardless of the stereotypes associated with the fandom. I added something extra to make it even cooler, like the opossum's T-shirt that correlates with the Burger King logo, saying "Team Drag Queen Pet." I thought it was cute!
Additionally, I support the LGBTQ+ community and both fast-food chains; even if they are junk food, they’re quite tasty! They do compete with each other in advertisements, but not all opossums and raccoons are habitual junk food lovers. I wanted to create this without malice or prejudice, simply to celebrate two animals that rummage through trash cans, even outside of the fandom. Rats do it too, right? Animals do what they must to survive in a world where humans destroy what they encounter but also create and cultivate. Hopefully, some will make a difference. Anyway, I hope you like the idea!
Informazioni generali
Categoria: Arte digitale
Eseguita il: 16 dicembre 2024
Informazioni sulla vendita
- Disponibile: no
Informazioni Gigarte.com
- Codice GA: GA222262
- Archiviata il: 08/01/2025
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