The Repatriation
art digital, 2025
This American revolutionary patriot had returned at the dusk of the war (the American Revolutionary War, 1783, 1 januanary) and cannot wait to embrace his loved ones while a gust of wind causes his muslin neckerchief and the national flag to flutter. I have even created the hair to represent him in every aspect as that soldier not quite in uniform of the era, but to give an extra touch to the character, who is a cougar.
Informazioni generali
Categoria: Arte digitale
Codice: nothing
Eseguita il: 01 gennaio 2025
Informazioni tecniche
- Misure: 2000 cm x 2000 cm x 2000 cm
- Tecnica: art digital
- Stile: animals art
Informazioni sulla vendita
- Disponibile: no
- Codice GA: GA222026
- Archiviata il: 01/01/2025
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