EDITORDREAMS FINALISTA INTERNAZIONALE MIAMI Eccellenti risultati Internazionali per il Maestro Giuseppe Grieco in arte “EditorDreams”. Alla Quarantasettesima “Art Contest Competition” in America ed in particolare a “MIAMI”, una delle capitali mondiali dell’Arte Contemporanea Internazionale, viene insignito del prestigioso “Attestato Riconoscimento” per essersi distinto, con diverse opere Acrilico su Tela, tra i migliori Artisti del panorama Mondiale. EDITORDREAMS INTERNATIONAL FINALIST MIAMI Excellent international results for Master Giuseppe Grieco in art “EditorDreams”. At the Forty-seventh “Art Contest Competition” in America and in particular in “MIAMI”, one of the world capitals of International Contemporary Art, he was awarded the prestigious “Certificate of Recognition” for having distinguished himself, with various acrylic on canvas works, among the best artists on the world scene.
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