I won an honorable prix to helvetart

Dear Artist, We are excited to tell you that your work was selected as the "Honorable Mention" in our July "Summertime" online exhibition. Congratulations! Your artwork is beautiful! The results have already been published on our website: https://helvetart.ch/show/july-2021-show/ They will be also soon shared on our Instagram. A call for art for our next competition will be announced soon. As the "Honorable Mention", we would like to award you with a free entry to one of our next art competitions. This option is valid for 6 month, to use it please just send us an email with a title " Honorable Mention July 2021-free entry (exhibition month you want to enter). It is important to send us this message before you fill in the form on our website without the payment. Thank you for your participation! Feel free to share on your social media about this wonderful accomplishment and tag us @helvetart #helvetart. Kind regards, HelvetArt Team
Helvetart [Ar contemporary jury]
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