Grand Finale of the Light Art Biennial Austria 201
the Project AREA 53 presents Grand Finale of the Light Art Biennial Austria 2010 Patrick Baumüller (AT), Andrea Borgonovo (IT), Barbara Doser (AT), Heidulf Gerngross (AT), Hofstetter Kurt (AT), Manfred Kielnhofer (AT), Christoph Luckeneder (AT), Eric Michel (FR), Alexandre Murucci (BR), Anka Nidzgorska (PL), Peter Sandbichler (AT), Martina Schettina (AT), Reto Schölly (CH/D), Michael Schuster / Sonja Gangl (AT), Marco Testini (IT), Two People One Work (AT), Mounty R. P. Zentara (AT) Opening 11. Nov. 2010, 7. p.m. Gallery AREA 53 Gumpendorfer Straße 53 A-1060 Vienna +43 676 621 5660 theAREA53 [at] 12. Nov. 2010 – 17. Dec. 2010 Tuesday – Friday, 3.00 pm – 6.30 pm Saturday by appointment The „Biennale für Lichtkunst Austria 2010“ is a non-commercial biennial of light art-projects and the first biennial of light art that happende in Austria. The biennial 2010 has the slogan „private light in public spac
giovedì 11 novembre 2010
Gumpendorferstrasse 53 - vienna - vienna - Austria
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