Charmers story tellers
Hello folks!
I would introduce you to B-rain, a cultural association composed of six brilliants brains.
In this first year of activity we tried to generate a really rain of brain, organizing artistic events (involving theatre, painting, videoart..) in which the public had been immerged in.
Now we are trying to start out with the first project realized outside Italy and making real our personal brain drain.
The form of our escape in Serbia maybe seems soft and tender, but there's more behind the fable.
And a lot of way of using fables inside the artists' brains.
Our new Art project has, as base idea, the study and the interpretation of the literary genre of fable. This genre, in the all complexity of it’s meanings, will be represented by six young artists through installations, videos and paintings. The project try to reach it’s goals using a fusion of styles, capability and work areas, wich are influenced by the different backgrounds of the artists. This kind of commistion it’s not only reached by a common intent, but also by the substantial difference of interpretation and way to represent the same concept by each artist. All the artworks, will be realized by a couple of artists. The mix between differents styles and artistic genre, will produce an armonic and unexpected result. Two of the Italian artists will also hold workshops specifically conceived for high school and university students.
“Fantasticherie” would be an occasion to think about recurring Italian and Serbian issues: fenomena like lack of prospective, tax evasion, youth emigration or “brain drain” are just not simple slogans used to fill newspapers, but on the contrary real life matters of both countries and all entire Europe. charmers story tellers.
These are some of the contemporary fables and they have stimulated a lot of images inside the artists' brains.
What We Need & What's your gift
Surely you've already seen our video, thus you know how we're going to use your money!!!!
B-rain and our artists are very grateful to you for supporting our idea.
You can find the information about all the artists at this link:
Thanks to you all for attencion and supporting!!!
venerdì 7 marzo 2014
Makedonska 22/IV 11 000 Belgrade Serbia - Belgrado - Serbia
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