Ankou and the danse macabre of Clusone

History and details, signs and meanings of the fresco of Clusone (BG). In the gallery of characters you can find the whole of humanity that embarks on this ultimate journey. All the characters become archetype of men who welcome the conclusion of their own lives as a natural and logical aspect of existence.
You can find the basic theme of Odyssey: it is like an on stage representation of the journey that becomes the final return. After knowing life the body goes back to the beginning, the dark nothingness of not being, of absence, thus closing the circle. It is a parade of destinies, jobs, characters that without theatrical staging set off on a journey to the end of their existence without desperation. In this beautiful painting there is no trace neither of the languid nor of the tearful...
Ankou and the danse macabre of Clusone
- Anno : 2018
- ISBN : ISBN: 9788827808603
- Disponibile : Si
- Prezzo : € 20
Editore: You Can Print
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