Alter Ego Express Red

scultura in resina dipinta, resina, 2020

€ 300,00

“Sono stato innamorato dei famosi mattoncini fin da quando ero piccolo ed oggi mi rendo conto di quanto siano immortali. La loro bellezza è anche il fatto che riescano a rendere immortali anche gli altri giocattoli degli anni ‘80. È questa l’intenzione del mio lavoro. Questo è lo stimolo che mi ha portato a creare i miei “Alter Ego” con i giocattoli degli anni ‘80. Vorrei poter far fare a tutti un salto indietro nel tempo e vedere i nostri vecchi giochi in modo diverso, quasi immortale. Da questo punto di partenza ho anche portato avanti nuove sperimentazioni con nuove inclusioni.” Queste sono le parole con le quali Alessandro Piano descrive il suo lavoro. Il passo immediatamente successivo alla creazione degli #AlterEgoSculpture in resina è stata quella della fotografia e della creazione di stampe su PET (#AlterEgoPrint e #AlterEgoArtPrint). All’asta finalmente l’ultima creazione. Un Alter Ego Express Silver. Una scultura in resina firmata e numerata con edizione limitata. La scultura è una serie limitata. Firmata e numerata con incisione sulla resina.. Spedito in una scatola personalizzata e timbrata con il logo dell’artista. L’opera sarà accompagnata da certificato di Autenticità. ——————— #RESINALTEREGO #ALTEREGOEXPRESS L’unico, l’originale, diffidate dalle imitazioni ——————— Alessandro Piano è un emergente artista Italiano che annovera però già una clientela internazionale. (America - Europa - Asia) Collaborazioni Passate e Presenti: Guidi&Schoen - Genova (Italy) Cella Art&Communication - Santa Margherita Ligure (Italy) WikiArte - Bologna (Italy) Via Garibaldi 12 (Interior Design) - Genova (Italy GO Gallery - Amsterdam (The Netherlands) NL-Galerie - Salzburg (Austria) Fiere Internazionali: ArteGenova20 - Genova (Italy) Grugliasco Fest Mattoncini in Festa - Grugliasco (Italy) Art3F - Monaco (Monaco) Munstergasse Art Weekend Collective Exhibition - Zurich (Swisse) Art International – Contemporary Art Fair Collective Exhibition - Zurich (Swisse) Affordable Art Fair Collective Exhibition - Amsterdam (The Netherlands)

Informazioni generali

  • Categoria: Scultura / Installazione

  • Eseguita il: 2020

#resina   #resin   #treno   #train   #gioco   #rosso   #alterego   #alep  

Informazioni tecniche

  • Misure: 28 cm x 20 cm x 10 cm
  • Tecnica: scultura in resina dipinta
  • Stile: pop art
  • Supporto: resina

Informazioni sulla vendita

  • Collezione: Italia, Genova
  • Prezzo: € 300,00
  • Disponibile: si


  • Codice GA: GA176927
  • Archiviata il: 09/02/2021

Dettagli generali

ALTER EGO All ALTER EGO are made with high quality professional epoxy resin. ALTER EGO are 25 x 16 x 8 cm. Transport worldwide All artworks will be transported worldwide by professional transportation. ALTER EGO will be shipped in a personalized box that will be transported in highly secure crates. Prints will be shipped in a reinforced tube. All ALTER EGO shipments are insured. Certificate of authenticity will be included with every ALTER EGO and Prints will have sign, artist stamp and the limited progressive number. Transport costs Average price for transport art worldwide is +- €30. Custom and duty fees are applied to shipments at the discretion of each receiving country. These charges are beyond our control and are the responsibility of the consignee. After how much time does the art arrive? All orders will be shipped 48 hours after the purchase. Average time before the artwork arrives is 2 days, depending of country and customs. After an order you’ll receive a track and trace to follow the artwork. Sales are final. There are no offer reimbursements or exchanges. What if there is any damage after delivery? Orders will always be transported in secure packages. From the moment the parcel has left the studio, the transport company is responsible for shipping. When an artwork arrives in a bad shape or disappears, in most cases the artwork is insured. What are the prices of the artworks? The prices of the original artworks are on request. By contacting the studio you can request prices for a certain artworks. The prices of prints are fixed, you can find those in the print store. The prices of prints are excluding transport. The artwork I want is SOLD Some artworks are labeled as ‘sold’. In some series there are more (unique) artworks of those available. In some series there are limited/signed prints available of the sold artworks. In both cases you can contact the studio about this. What is a limited print? On this website you can buy directly prints of artworks. These are high quality prints of the original ALTER EGO on PET. Most series are limited to an edition of 20. Those are signed in front of the piece and have sign, artist stamp and the limited progressive number in the rear. After your order, the print will be send after 3 or 4 working days in a reinforced tube (worldwide). Commissioned artwork If the subject feels right Alessandro does work on commissioned base. You can contact the studio about this.

Dettagli sulla vendita

ALTER EGO All ALTER EGO are made with high quality professional epoxy resin. ALTER EGO are 25 x 16 x 8 cm. Transport worldwide All artworks will be transported worldwide by professional transportation. ALTER EGO will be shipped in a personalized box that will be transported in highly secure crates. Prints will be shipped in a reinforced tube. All ALTER EGO shipments are insured. Certificate of authenticity will be included with every ALTER EGO and Prints will have sign, artist stamp and the limited progressive number. Transport costs Average price for transport art worldwide is +- €30. Custom and duty fees are applied to shipments at the discretion of each receiving country. These charges are beyond our control and are the responsibility of the consignee. After how much time does the art arrive? All orders will be shipped 48 hours after the purchase. Average time before the artwork arrives is 2 days, depending of country and customs. After an order you’ll receive a track and trace to follow the artwork. Sales are final. There are no offer reimbursements or exchanges. What if there is any damage after delivery? Orders will always be transported in secure packages. From the moment the parcel has left the studio, the transport company is responsible for shipping. When an artwork arrives in a bad shape or disappears, in most cases the artwork is insured. What are the prices of the artworks? The prices of the original artworks are on request. By contacting the studio you can request prices for a certain artworks. The prices of prints are fixed, you can find those in the print store. The prices of prints are excluding transport. The artwork I want is SOLD Some artworks are labeled as ‘sold’. In some series there are more (unique) artworks of those available. In some series there are limited/signed prints available of the sold artworks. In both cases you can contact the studio about this. What is a limited print? On this website you can buy directly prints of artworks. These are high quality prints of the original ALTER EGO on PET. Most series are limited to an edition of 20. Those are signed in front of the piece and have sign, artist stamp and the limited progressive number in the rear. After your order, the print will be send after 3 or 4 working days in a reinforced tube (worldwide). Commissioned artwork If the subject feels right Alessandro does work on commissioned base. You can contact the studio about this.

Dettagli sui pagamenti

PAYPAL: BANK SWIFT: on demand POSTEPAY: on demand SATISPAY: on demand

Dettagli sulle spedizioni

With tracking in normally 2 weeks in Europe We can Ship Worldwide

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