Scritto il 28/01/2012
GNWP - Global Network of Watercolor Painters

2nd Exhibition in Japan 2012
GNWP 2nd Exhibition will be held from 28th Febuary to 4th March in Create Gallery Hamamatsu in JAPAN.
Exhibition Venue and Date Address:
Create Gallery Hamamatsu, 3F
2-1 Hayama-cho, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan Post Code: 430-9016 Create Galley Hamamatsu is supported by Cultural Foundation.
Date: 28th Feb(Tue) 2012 ~ 4th May(Sun) 2012
Opening Party:
Restaurant “Chambord Garden” / Create Hamamatsu, 1F 28th Feb 18:00~20:30
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