Harmony of space/ Galaxy series

Olio su tela/pennello, Tela, 2019

A blindingly bright star bursts into view in a corner of the night sky — it wasn't there just a few hours ago, but now it burns like a beacon.

That bright star isn't actually a star, at least not anymore. The brilliant point of light is the explosion of a star known as a supernova.

Supernova can briefly outshine entire galaxies and radiate more energy than our sun will in its entire lifetime. They're also the primary source of heavy elements in the universe.

That’s what I inspired me

Informazioni generali

  • Categoria: Pittura

  • Eseguita il: agosto 2019

Informazioni tecniche

  • Misure: 100 cm x 100 cm x 2 cm
  • Tecnica: Olio su tela/pennello
  • Stile: Pop Art / Arte moderna
  • Supporto: Tela

Informazioni sulla vendita

  • Collezione: Palermo
  • Disponibile: no

Informazioni Gigarte.com

  • Codice GA: GA151805
  • Archiviata il: 09/08/2019

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