Grannies 12#03
graphite on paper, paper on wood board + frame, 2014
First of a series of portraits of old woman, affectionately called “GRANNIES”, painted using the graphite in a particular way. And I said “painting” because, actually, it’s more a painting made by using graphite than a drawing, made by sketching lines. The portrait is almost hyper realistic, but different from the average hyper realistic works, since it’s smaller by size, fact that made the realization even more complicated. The choice of the subject is due to the idea of showing women not afraid of who they are or who they have become, but proudly exposing their wrinkles as signs of the times they didn’t intend to deny. They embrace themselves and their beauty, they stare right in the eye and they have the fascination of self-confidence and acceptance. In a world where women hide themselves, change themselves surgically, mask themselves because of the fear of aging, they boldly are who they are. My 90 yrs old TOP MODEL, real models of how you can be at your top by accepting yourself – the antithesis of the Top Model of the ‘90s, who represents the plastic way to refuse the passing of time. That is a refusal of life itself.
Informazioni generali
Categoria: Disegno / Illustrazione
Eseguita il: 2014
Informazioni tecniche
- Misure: 50 cm x 50 cm x 3 cm
- Tecnica: graphite on paper
- Stile: hyperrealism?
- Supporto: paper on wood board + frame
Informazioni sulla vendita
- Collezione: Paris
- Prezzo: € 1.500,00
- Disponibile: si
- Codice GA: GA120212
- Archiviata il: 19/07/2017
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